Use Your Brand’s Power

B2B Content and Copywriting  Services Set Your Brand Apart

Does your content grab eyes? Is it unique? More importantly, does your content convert?

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Companies trust us to create unique content that AI can’t imitate

Reach Your Ideal Clients With Information Gain Content

Penpixel Creative produces comprehensive, brand-aligned content that strengthens your company’s impression. Our expert writers project your brand's unique voice and messaging through valuable, insightful content. This approach attracts and engages your potential clients because this content is unique to your company.

Our panoramic content strategies span various channels, ensuring a cohesive and consistent brand experience for your audience. These efforts help them understand who you are, what you stand for, and what you offer, building trust and driving business growth.

B2B Content Writing Services

The best relationships are founded on clear communication. Expertly written content and copy will ensure your ideal clients are locked in and engaged with your messaging.

Penpixel Creative: Why Our Content Writing Services Are Effective

Penpixel Creative is a content and copywriting agency that understands that effective communication with your clients is what drives your ROI and revenue. That communication happens across multiple channels and mediums, each involving a different type of messaging.

So, are you speaking your ideal customer’s language?


Our B2B content strategy plans start at:


Average spend for a fast-growth B2B content campaign is $5k+ monthly

Our B2B Content Writing Services Ensure Your Brand Shines

It’s subtle, but there is a difference between content writing and copywriting. Online marketing took a significant turn after the explosive release of ChatGPT and other AI tools. Now, the popular opinion is that written materials can be created easily and cheaply. But remember, if the message you're sending doesn’t resonate with your audience, it won’t make a difference. You still need experienced writers who understand how to create emotional, engaging content. These writers understand the differences in content types and when to use each.

B2B content writing involves long-form content that allows your clients to get to know your products, services, company, and brand. B2B content writing examples would be your website pages or eBooks that define how you solve your client’s issues. It can be comparisons or reviews that detail your company’s superiority over your competitors. You may also produce (or want to produce) a YouTube channel or podcast; our B2B content writers can structure and create scripts for either medium. Your B2B content can even be offline materials such as pamphlets or brochures that you give out at trade shows; our writers can help with that, too.

B2B content writers have in-depth knowledge of your industry, products, and clients' pain points. They understand your industry terms and lingo and have worked in the industry itself. These writers can be considered subject matter experts (SMEs).

B2B copywriting focuses on shorter forms of content, such as advertisements, customer service responses, or social media posts designed to elicit immediate actions. Copywriting is a significant part of any marketing and advertising campaign. However, unlike SEO content writing, copywriting is best employed at the bottom of your marketing funnel or toward the end of your customer journey when you are ready to ask your client to decide.

Like content writers, B2B copywriters have detailed knowledge of your industry, products, services, and your client’s obstacles. However, B2B copywriters can create engagement in a few short words.

Our B2B Content Writing Process

We’ll start building your brand with a robust and comprehensive B2B content strategy intended to reach new audiences and make them lifetime connections. Content with brand building in mind is essential because search engines now favor bigger brands. Penpixel Creative is an experienced B2B content writing agency positioned to help you organically expand your brand and deliver maximum ROI.

1. Onboarding

We’ll get to know each other and listen as you tell us your story to understand your point of view, voice, and tone. We’ll also define your content marketing goals.

Then, we’ll dig into the details of your main offers, ideal clients, the industries you service, and the obstacles or issues you help your ideal clients overcome. We’ll also discuss any past content production, how it was created, and how it performed.

2. Ideal client and competitor research

Next, we’ll dive into modeling your ideal client(s). We’ll collect their demographic information, learn about their goals and values, understand their obstacles and challenges, and where they get their information. We may also employ survey and interviewing tools until we deeply understand your client’s needs.

During this research phase, we’ll also explore how your biggest competitors reach and engage with their audience. We’ll study their voice, tone, verbiage, and approach to communicating their unique selling proposition. We’ll also examine their social media, video, and advertising strategies.

After we’ve researched your clients and competitors, we’ll have a detailed understanding of how to communicate with your audience and position you above your competition.

3. Develop and calibrate voice and tone

With our research, we’ll work closely with you to develop and hone your brand voice, tone, and messaging. During this phase, we’ll employ our experience and expertise in content and copywriting to guide you toward a brand voice that ensures engagement and recognition.

You’ll have full input into the direction taken on your voice and tone. Our Content Directors will “pitch” all pieces of content for your approval and feedback before production begins. This method ensures maximum ROI by cutting production times, editing, and revisions.

4. Develop editorial calendar

We have your goals, ideal clients, competitor knowledge, and content formats, so we’re ready for the final step before content production begins. Our Content Strategists and Directors, in conjunction with our SEO team, will create your content calendar. 

They’ll brainstorm themes and topics, plan your content mix, and set production deadlines. Calendars will have long-term planning in mind but can be broken down into weekly and monthly segments to ensure adaptability to allow for trending topics or seasonality. 

Your content calendar will incorporate all of your preferred content channels. These would be advertising, social media, landing pages, website content, video and podcast scripts, and bottom-of-funnel, long-form content tailored to an issue, client, or service.

5. Begin content production

Content production includes the assigning, writing, editing, revising, approving, and posting phases of your content’s lifecycles. Additionally, your content may need updating, or it may pass through the SEO team for optimization, the graphic design teams for layout and images, or the video and audio editing teams.

We keep you in the loop at each phase, or you can trust the Penpixel Creative team to handle all aspects of content production.

6. Monthly planning meetings

We’ll schedule regular, monthly meetings on Google Meet (or Zoom) where we’ll present progress and suggestions. You’ll also receive a detailed report showing the performance of your content, paid ads, social media, videos, and podcasts. During these meetings, we can collaboratively update or change the content calendars or refine our ideal client and competitor research.

Amplify Your Brand With Our B2B Content Packages

Content writing boosts brand awareness

Content doesn’t only mean the written word. Your social media, the images and videos you use to attract viewers, or the podcast and video scripts engage your audience. All of these tie together to become your content marketing strategy.

Strong, engaging, emotional, and cerebral writing is the backbone of your brand.

This writing arrests your audience as they scroll through ads and social media with an emotional and concise message or through long-form content with a headline or title that readers or listeners can’t resist. When you pair powerful writing with visual or sound effects, your brand becomes memorable and unstoppable.

Furthermore, head-on writing taps into your audience's emotions and thoughts to build an unbreakable connection. It can be a short phrase, a blog post or article, or an in-depth, information-gain piece showing your industry authoritativeness and expertise. No matter the style or length, voice, tone, and brand cohesiveness are paramount.

Penpixel Creatie provides B2B content writing services by understanding your company and brand goals. Unlike others, we do not rely on artificial intelligence to cure our writer’s block. Instead, we use collaboration, communication, research, and talent to ensure your content is human-driven to connect with humans.

Why SEO keywords are an important part of content marketing

Keywords are the foundations of content marketing, search engine optimization, and communication. We enter keywords or phrases into search engines when hunting for goods, services, or information. You ensure you are in front of your desired demographic by pinpointing and incorporating the optimal keywords into your brand communications.

B2B SEO helps by driving relevant traffic to your website. But your branded content and messaging don’t stop there. Your audience wants to know more about you and your products or services. They’ll want to understand, in detail, how you’ll solve their issues. Our B2B content services go beyond generating awareness to develop a persona and character of your company in your audience’s head, ensuring they envision your brand when and where it’s needed most. 

Your voice, tone, and messaging must be strategic, just like keyword usage for SEO. Search engines now consider your entire brand presence to determine if you’re the best solution for a user’s query. So, our B2B content services work with the best content creators available to ensure your brand and voice permeate all of your content and channels.

Expert content writing is vital for brand growth. Search engines consistently update their algorithms, prioritizing big brands with valuable content. Industry leaders understand these changes and adapt their messaging and strategies to ensure prioritized brand recognition in search engine algorithms, positioning them as the best solution to user queries.

Want to attract a loyal audience? Establishing your brand as a trusted and helpful authority builds recognition and credibility and ensures top rankings in search results and prominence on social media and in advertising.

Content Planning & Creation

High-quality, consistent content captures audiences and boosts your brand presence. So our B2B content writing services are accompanied by top-notch content planning and creation explicitly tailored for businesses that need fresh content monthly.

Our experienced content directors, strategists, editors, and writers work closely with you to develop a comprehensive B2B content program that aligns with your business goals and ideal audience. We take the time to calibrate our content production to your brand, industry, and unique selling points, ensuring that the content we create is cohesive, engaging, and delivers value to your current and potential clients.

With our elite B2B content writing services you can expect:

  1. Voice, Tone, and Messaging Development: We work with you to create brand guidance based on your communication preferences and your audience demographics.

  2. Content Strategy: We’ll develop a content plan that captures, engages, and entertains your audiences across formats and channels. This ensures you’re communicating with the right audience using the messaging they prefer.

  3. Quality Writing: Our accomplished copywriters craft captivating, enlightening material that ensures you float above your competitors. We concentrate on producing precise, digestible copy that strikes a chord with your intended readership.

  4. Professional Editing and Revisions: Our editors are accomplished experts specific to your industry and vertical to ensure your content meets your audience on their level. Revisions are incorporated using your brand guidelines and feedback.

  5. Timely Delivery: Deadlines make or break a content campaign, so we pride ourselves on delivering your monthly content on time, every time.

We provide expertly created blog posts, articles, case studies, and social media content to engage your audience. Our goal? To help your brand consistently deliver valuable, engaging content that your target audience will love.

B2B Content Writing Client Feedback

An asset to any team they collaborate with...
— Shaye G.
Helped us get to where we are, and we continue to work with them...Would highly recommend them for any type of content services.
— Christa.

Strengthening your B2B brand: The impact of content

Content marketing is about creating and sharing valuable, relevant, consistent content to attract and engage your ideal customers. You provide industry trends, insightful information, and solutions to common challenges that your potential clients face.

Doing this establishes your company as a trusted authority in your field, building your brand’s credibility with your target audience.

The results are incredibly impressive when you combine B2B content writing with an expertly designed content marketing strategy. Creating your content on the relevant channels and following the proper formatting and messaging ensures that your valuable content reaches the right people. This drives organic traffic to your website and increases your chances of generating qualified leads, sales, ROI, and revenue.

Moreover, content marketing bolsters your SEO efforts. When you create engaging, informative content, potential customers are likelier to spend time on your website. Engaged users mean reduced bounce rates and improved overall SEO performance.

At our B2B content agency, we create custom content strategies that leverage the power of content marketing to boost your organic visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Using analytics to boost B2B content writing services

We use analytics to achieve content marketing success. Analytics provides deep insights about your audience and your content’s performance that aren’t apparent at a surface level, allowing us to track data like website traffic, engagement, and conversion. With this data, we can quickly identify what works or needs improvement.

Artificial intelligence is the tool that enables us to discover these data key points. When we use AI to boost our data analytics to uncover remarkable information and patterns, we can adjust your content strategy faster. This knowledge also empowers us to allocate resources effectively and impact your business and bottom line.

Analytics isn't just about optimizing existing strategies – it also helps identify new opportunities to grow your brand recognition. By analyzing user behavior and engagement metrics and by comparing you to your competitors, we gain a deeper understanding of your audience's goals, obstacles, and expectations.

Then, we can tailor your content and branding efforts accordingly. This allows for a focused content strategy, enhancing your client’s experience and ultimately driving more qualified leads to your website or boosting sales.

Maximize B2B content ROI with proper channel selection

An effective B2B content strategy is essential to building your company’s online presence to attract the right audience. This begins by educating your audience and search engines so that they understand your brand and your services. 

Educating your audience begins by selecting the marketing channels your audience prefers. This could be on social media, podcasts, videos, or a combination of those and traditional channels. Your audience may even prefer in-person meetings where you can describe your services or provide physical handouts to ensure you’re top of mind.

The top benefit of educating your audience is that they’ll understand you, your brand, and your services and immediately think of you when they face insurmountable obstacles. When you consistently appear in the spaces your audience frequents, they’ll begin to see you as a partner and solutions provider. Incidentally, the search engines will also begin to view you in the same light.

Being where your clients are also begins to create an infinite recognition loop. As your brand grows, the algorithms begin to understand who you are and what you do. This recognition from the algorithms means you’re presented more frequently to followers and non-followers, meaning you reach an increasingly wider audience. 

Additionally, appearing more and growing your recognition means you’ll have more opportunities to show and establish your company’s authority and expertise in your industry and vertical. When you produce high-quality content, other companies and websites begin to consider you an authority in your space, enhancing your credibility and attracting more clients seeking thought leadership.

Creating high-quality, properly curated, and formatted content ensures your business achieves its B2B content strategy goals.

Why you should work with a B2B content writing service

B2B content agencies understand the dichotomy between creating content that resonates with your audience and running your business operations. B2B content marketing agencies also understand how to prepare content for your target clients, as well as for social media and search engine algorithms.

Collaborating with B2B content writing services frees up your time and resources, meaning you can focus on the aspect of your business that you enjoy the most. Additionally, they’ll have a deep pool of talented writers prepared to work on any type of content across any stage of the marketing funnel.

Working with content writing professionals ensures that your messaging, voice, and tone are clearly understood across all channels. Clear, cohesive content means that your audience grows to know and trust you, meaning they’ll consistently turn to you for your products and services. The end result is satisfied lifetime customers who don’t care for or need an alternative.

B2B Content Writing FAQs

  • B2B content differs in its messaging, voice, and tone from content that’s directly for consumers. B2B content is free to use industry terms and is best delivered by a writer with actual experience in the industry or vertical they write about. This content will include terminology and examples of unique use cases, illustrating to readers that your company, services, or products are the best solution for their needs.

  • B2B content writing is used to engage your audience and build your brand authority and recognition. It meets your audience where they are and creates trust by showing that you or your company has the experience and expertise to provide solutions to their obstacles. 

    B2B copywriting is for promotional or advertising purposes. It’s meant to turn traffic or engagement into leads or sales. These two types of writing are useful across the entire marketing funnel or customer journey because users may enter at any stage and move in any direction before making a decision.

  • Our B2B content writing service packages start at $3000/month and include SEO and content strategy. The SEO aspect of the packages includes all research, technical, and on- and off-page SEO. The content aspect includes regular strategy meetings, reporting, and all content or copywriting production needed to execute your unique strategy.

  • A B2B content writer is responsible for creating unique content specific to your business. They will write in your voice and tone and can alter their style to match the business with whom they’re partnered. B2B writers are also research and industry experts who have or currently work in the industry they write about. B2B content writers have also spent time building their personal brands and are typically recognized as experts by audiences and search engines.

  • First, we get to know you so that we can understand your objectives and obstacles. Next, we’ll get to know your audience. From there, we can devise the best voice, tone, messaging, and channels to reach your audience. Finally, we’ll create a content strategy, set due dates, and begin executing the plan. Execution includes the creation, editing, posting, and performance monitoring of your content.

  • Writing good content takes time. Search engines and users prefer high-quality content written by experts with extensive experience in their field because this content is the most helpful. Creating high-quality content takes planning, writing, editing, and revision; these cost time that not all companies or employees can afford, especially when operating a business. Unfortunately, operations and marketing must take place simultaneously, so it’s best to seek help from experts skilled at handling B2B content writing so you can focus on the important aspects of your business, such as closing leads or sales and driving revenue.

  • Your B2B content should lead your target audience through the customer journey, turning them into lifetime customers. But don’t forget your audience after you create a sale or connection. You must continuously converse with your audience, just as you would a friend or community. Remember, conversations go both ways, so you’ll want to engage with your community quickly if they message you with questions or suggestions. Your replies should also be viewed as B2B content, and your brand voice and tone should be used. A B2B content writing service can help with all aspects of your brand messaging.

  • Yes. The process of understanding your business’s unique SEO requirements uncovers data about your audience and competitors that you can use to your business advantage. An SEO audit will also uncover technical issues with your website. Incorporating SEO into your content marketing strategy is an important part of its success.

  • You should consider working with a B2B content writing service if you’re ready to begin generating awareness for a new business, or if you are ready to increase your client base or sales. Additionally, you should consider a B2B content writing agency if you find that your audience needs more content surrounding your product or services, and you’re having trouble keeping up with demand.

  • We prefer using human writers who are passionate about creating information-gain content unique to your brand and business. AI-generated content is simply a summary of other content available to the AI and, therefore, does not fully illustrate your company’s unique advantages and benefits. We do use AI as a tool during data analysis and to get instant feedback on our work, similar to using a fact checker or grammar and spelling checker.

  • We offer SEO content writing services, including blog and website copy, PPC copywriting, social media creation, podcast and video script writing, in-depth whitepapers or reviews, and lower-funnel marketing and sales pieces such as interviews, case studies, and comparisons.

    Our B2B writing services are prepared to handle any type of content creation necessary to reach your audience and drive revenue.

  • We specialize in written B2B content, but we understand that podcast and video scripts are an essential part of any strategy, so we’ve partnered with podcast and video creators to help produce those types of content. We write the scripts and then bring in producers to turn them into the necessary format.

  • No. We specialize in written content and partner with graphic designers, podcasts, and video creators to ensure we produce content for all of your marketing channels, whether online or offline. We’re always open to discussing new content types and forms.

  • We include two rounds of revisions for all written content. Visual and audio content revisions will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. A “revision round” is needed when the writer missed your company’s voice, tone, or messaging or wrote inaccurate content. One revision round is typical; two rounds of revisions are abnormal.

  • You own the copyrights for all content produced for your company or brand. We will keep copies or originals to improve or update content when necessary. All originals are transferred to you when requested or upon contract completion. This applies to all written, audio, and visual content.

  • Yes. We can work with you on per project basis, or we offer customizable service packages. Per project pricing is based on the size and scope of your project.

  • You’ll have the option to choose from samples of qualified writers. But we will do everything possible to match you to a writer with the proper credentials, experience, and expertise in your industry to save you time. Our goal is to use our expertise to ensure that you’re happy with the content production immediately. However, a short calibration period is typical as writers and content creators familiarize themselves with your company and brand.

  • Your B2B content will target other businesses. Because your audience already understands the industry and its terminology, your messaging can be direct and precise. This means you can skip introductory and basic-level theories and jump to details with industry jargon to show how your product or service will impact your target audience. B2B content tends to be professional, slightly formal, and informative.

    B2C content is typically more engaging and is used to evoke an emotional response. It can use a formal or relaxed voice and tone, sometimes even using pop culture and fear of missing out (FOMO) as successful B2C messaging.scription

What Clients Say About Us

“Their expertise in SEO and content strategy are beneficial and an asset to any company they collaborate with.”

Head of Content @ Construction Company

“An acute knowledge of the B2B Saas industry. An absolute pleasure to work with. I would jump at the chance to do it again!”

CMO @ Financial SaaS Developer

“Top-notch, and I loved working with them. Always diligent, cooperative and flexible. Really good at what they does, and I hope we work together again someday soon.”

Senior SEO Analyst @ Marketing Agency

“An outstanding experience. Experts and ensure flawless communication and exceptional support. What really stood out was their relentless dedication to delivering the best possible results.”

CBDO @ Online Publication

Ready to Grow Your B2B Company and Brand?

The saying still rings true: Content Is King. You’ll need high-quality content for any marketing initiative or communication about your business. If you have ideas or want to improve your content marketing ROI, look to Penpixel Creative and our expert pool of talented writers.