Case Studies



Homefield, a Seattle-based private equity, operates over 50 tech-focused websites in various industries, including cybersecurity and web hosting. It has affiliate partnerships with hundreds of brands, requiring substantial content to maintain and update these sites regularly. Recognizing a need for a revamped content strategy for three of its tech-related sites experiencing stagnating revenue, Homefield collaborated with Penpixel Creative. This partnership aimed to craft and implement a new content strategy, enhance user experience design, and boost traffic to affiliate partners.


Penpixel Creative conducted a thorough content audit and site assessment, aligning closely with Homefield's perspective. This groundwork laid the foundation for a new content strategy and the production of nearly 2000 new pages over three years, alongside updates to existing content to align with Google's latest algorithms.


The collaboration led to a notable 45% increase in affiliate revenue for the targeted sites, with earnings peaking at $60k monthly and maintaining an average of $45k-$50k. This case illustrates the significant impact of a well-executed content strategy and partnership on affiliate revenue and site performance. For brands aiming to enhance their content impact, Penpixel Creative offers the expertise to drive substantial revenue growth.

Penpixel Amplifies Homefield's Affiliate Revenue

Tennis Express

Game, Set, Match: Elevating Tennis Express

Tennis Express, the second-largest online tennis equipment retailer in the U.S., sought to enhance its content production process to compete more effectively with the top industry player. Collaborating with Penpixel Creative, the retailer witnessed notable growth:

  • A 7,000 subscriber increase on YouTube

  • A 21% rise in social media engagement

  • A 6% boost in online tennis racket sales within just three months


Tennis Express, founded by tennis enthusiasts, experienced a sales surge during the COVID-19 pandemic as tennis and pickleball became popular outdoor activities. However, the technical focus of their content limited appeal to casual players, a gap they aimed to bridge.


Penpixel Creative revitalized Tennis Express’s YouTube channel by introducing new script templates, video directors, and editors. This led to a significant subscriber increase and enhanced brand recognition.


A revamped social media strategy, leveraging platform-specific tactics and tennis influencers from their staff, significantly boosted engagement and cross-platform synergy. This comprehensive approach elevated Tennis Express’s online presence, translating into tangible sales growth, particularly in tennis rackets. It underscored the impact of targeted content and social media strategies on revenue and brand awareness. Penpixel Creative’s intervention illustrates the potential of a focused content strategy to amplify online authority, search rankings, and overall return on investment.

DBRS Consultants

DBRS Boosts Revenue with Content, SEO


DBRS Consultants, a firm known for enhancing operations for optimal ROI, collaborated with Penpixel Creative during the COVID-19 pandemic to pivot clients toward online sales. Recognizing the surge in online engagement, DBRS recommended strategies focused on content and SEO to maintain sales. Given Penpixel Creative's expertise in technical SEO, social media, and content creation, DBRS engaged them to address these needs across diverse industries, including the restaurant and marine sectors.


Penpixel Creative's approach, informed by the latest SEO trends and content practices, involved conducting SEO assessments, crafting targeted social media campaigns, and developing engaging content. For restaurant clients, social media strategies were designed to drive immediate sales through increased awareness and targeted advertising. Marine and retail clients received comprehensive SEO audits and content tailored to boost search rankings for key industry terms.


The collaboration resulted in significant achievements: Restaurants remained profitable amidst growing competition in online food ordering, while marine and retail clients experienced marked improvements in search rankings, domain authority, and brand recognition. Penpixel Creative's ability to create diverse content types was crucial in these successes, demonstrating the power of strategic content and SEO in achieving business growth. Contact Penpixel Creative to elevate your SEO and content strategies and replicate these results for your business.